St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust

Strategic Priorities

ST Martin’s MAT


Empowering Our Vision, Driving Success

At St Martin’s Trust, we are steadfast in our commitment to nurturing an environment where every child can thrive and achieve their full potential. To turn this vision into reality, we have carefully outlined four key strategic priorities that form the cornerstones of our mission. Each priority plays a vital role in shaping our approach to education and guiding our journey towards excellence. From fostering a shared vision and upholding our core values to driving school improvement, prioritising people’s well-being, and ensuring effective governance and accountability, these strategic pillars are the foundation of everything we do. These themes ensure purpose and consistency when setting focused objectives each year.


At St Martin’s Multi-Academy Trust, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. Having a clear, shared vision, anchored in our core values of trust, respect, and compassion, enables schools to work together with genuine collaboration. We see our vision as a just cause, driving our collective commitment to go above and beyond for the children and families in our school communities. While each school maintains its unique identity, our shared values remain a common thread, woven into the very fabric of our organisation. Trust, respect, and compassion guide us in every aspect of our work, empowering us to face challenges with bravery and to prioritise collaboration and support. Together, we strive to equip every child with the skills they need to embrace the future with confidence: working together to create an environment where everyone can thrive.


At St Martin’s Trust, we’re committed to an integrated school improvement model. We work in partnership with school leaders to improve teaching and learning, ensuring children get a high-quality education. At the same time, our robust management of business and operations, covering safeguarding, finance, human resources, estate management, and governance, ensures smooth and compliant school operations. By integrating responsive, tailored support and a philosophy that respects each school’s unique path, we ensure the best outcomes for pupils and maintain seamless school functionality. 

Our focus is on nurturing continuous growth and adapting proven strategies to each school’s distinctive requirements, thus fostering a thriving educational environment. 


Our people strategy is built upon three core principles that drive our approach. Firstly, we are dedicated to attracting and retaining the very best individuals who share our passion for supporting children in our schools. Secondly, we invest in talent development through high-quality, tailor-made training programs with clear pathways for progression. And lastly, we foster thriving communities by authentically integrating well-being into every aspect of our organisation.

Our philosophy centres on optimising skills, knowledge, and well-being, enabling us to consistently perform at our best. Therefore, our professional development opportunities are carefully designed, drawing from a solid evidence base and tapping into diverse areas of expertise. These programs encourage collaboration, challenge, and growth through our extensive network, mentorship, and coaching initiatives.


 Strong strategic governance lies at the heart of St. Martin’s Multi-Academy Trust, ensuring our long-term sustainability and the delivery of excellent education for all our pupils. It is achieved through effective structures and a clear strategy that empowers schools to achieve their unique visions.

There are four core principles that underpin the Trust’s approach to governance:

Board leadership: An effective board will define the vision of the trust and then set a strategy to deliver it.

Structures: It is essential to have clear roles and responsibilities as part of the governance structure of our trust.

Accountability: Our clear governance structure enables the board to effectively oversee the strategic direction of the Trust and hold executive leaders to account for pupil outcomes.

Compliance: Competent risk management and strong financial management is imperative as it mitigates against risks and barriers to educational outcomes.


Find out more

St Martin's Multi Academy Trust   Wallace Road, Bradley, Wolverhampton
WV14 8BS
Tel: 01902 925700